New Year, New You!

When I sit back and reflect on 2012, I don't have an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment.  Perhaps this can be blamed on the fact that I was consumed by my November 2012 wedding.  Turns out, everyone is right about weddings how much time and money a wedding can cost a couple.  So, as happy as I am to know that my wedding is over, I now realize there are so many other parts of my life that I have been neglecting.

Number 1 - my health/fitness regime was so focused on getting myself in "wedding gown" shape, that it all went to hell when the wedding was over.  I lost about 8 pounds prior to the wedding and have gained every pound back over the holidays.  Part of this is because I completely stopped working out, but also because I ate everything in sight during the holidays, with no restraints.  It was fabulous, but left me feeling a little less than sexy once I looked in the mirror on January 1st.

Number 2 - My house is a complete mess.  Completely unorganized and disheveled.  We moved into the house in June 2011, but were also planning the aforementioned wedding during that time, so things were haphazardly thrown into closets or one of our four spare bedrooms without so much as a thought as to how it should really be "put away".  Now that I don't have the wedding distracting me, I open the closets and notice the crazy pile of crap sitting in each of them.  And let's not forget about the bedroom downstairs where we don't have any furniture, but instead threw unopened move-in boxes and piled up wedding gifts throughout the last year and a half.

So, with a fresh outlook on life (in conjunction with the extra time and money I should have, since the wedding is over), I have decided to kickstart 2013 with a bang!  My husband bought me a FitBit for Christmas (at my request - he wasn't trying to send me a message or anything... I don't think).  The FitBit helps track how many steps I have taken, flights of stairs I've climbed, and calories I have burned in any given day.  It really helps me see how active (or inactive, as it may be) I am being.  This is step 1 in becoming a better, more active person.

As for everything else.... well that's where the blog comes in.  I plan to document all of my 2013 endeavors to show how I have become a better, more organized person.  Hopefully this works :) 


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