The beginning of my Plexus Journey

I’m embarrassed to admit it, but this arrived last Thursday (cue the eye rolls). Why, you ask? Why does anyone give in to these types of temptations? The key catchphrases caught me at the right moment of weakness. I was tired. EXCRUCIATINGLY tired. It was one of my 1:1 weekends with Hudson and I could barely keep my eyes open – despite having just drank a medium DD coffee. I knew the culprit was some kind of vitamin deficiency – so I immediately took the nearest multivitamin that I could find, but still wanted to look for another solution – ANY solution – to help give me more energy for my time with the most adorable 22 month old who thinks he no longer needs to nap during the weekend. So that night, as I’m feeling utterly exhausted and run down, I see a friend’s post about Plexus. It’s a supplement (that by the looks of it is for weight loss/management – but it’s so much more than that) that helps promote the growth of good bacteria (and eliminate bad bacteria) in your small and large intestines – which is often blamed as the root cause of many symptoms including exhaustion, IBS, joint issues and, yes, weight management.

Feel free to roll your eyes and make comments about how you can’t believe I’ve fallen for this – as I would have done the same a few weeks ago. Desperate times, y’all. But, if you’re a mom, then I’m sure you’ve had the exhausted feeling I described above….. and sometimes, you just need to take a leap of faith and try different things because it’s okay to admit that what you’re doing isn’t working. And, hey – if it doesn’t work, then I move on. If it does, then I reap a huge benefit, right? 

Feel free to send me a message if you want to know more or are interested on whether the stuff really works. I’m skeptical, but cautiously optimistic, as I DESPERATELY would like this to be the answer I’ve been looking for. I’m excited to see if the stuff really works!


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