My Plexus Journey - Day 90

90 Day Review

Here’s an update on the products I'm taking and how they are working:

Sleep: This is the craziest and most unexpected benefit of Plexus and I'm happy to say that it has continued.  I'm sleeping through the night consistently and feeling so much more well-rested than I was prior to Plexus.  I no longer wake up SHOCKED to find out that I had a restful sleep.  It's part of my norm.  This is one of those things that you don't realize you've been compromising on or missing until you sleep through the night, again.  And wow.

Mood / Energy:  I'm still happy to say that I don't drink coffee every day.  Now, don't get me wrong - there are still days where I'm exhausted or went to bed too late and need to drink coffee.  There are even days where I don't feel like I need it, but I just want to drink it because it's delicious.  But, I no longer feel like I won't survive without it every day and, on the days that I do drink it, I can only drink a small cup because a medium is too much for me.

Weight:  There's been no additional movement on this front for me since my first 30 days.  I'm not doing much on this front, though, so not sure I'm the poster child for weight loss, anyways.  I do have a high school friend who joined Plexus about a month ago and is having HUGE success with weight loss - but this was also her primary goal and so I'm sure she is behaving much better than I am. Within a couple weeks, she was donating all of her bigger sized clothes because they were too loose for her!  Amazing!


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