My Plexus Journey - 30 Day Review

30 Day Review

Work has been super crazy, so I haven't had a chance to update in a couple weeks.  Here’s an update on the products I'm taking and how they are working:

Sleep: I'm sure most moms know what I mean when I say that I went more than 2 years without sleeping through the night.  Waking in the night started when I was pregnant with my son and it never went away.  I don't know if it was from anxiety or if it was from being a light sleeper as a mom - but something changed in my sleep patterns.  I'm so very happy to say that the improvement in my sleep patterns was the biggest unexpected surprise since starting the products.  I take PrioBio5 (a probiotic) 30 minutes before bed and apparently that has helped me sleep like a rock.  I didn't realize that this would be a benefit of taking Plexus, but it is hugely welcome!

Mood / Energy:  Highly improved.  I'm no longer a daily coffee drinker and I'm getting through the day, swimmingly.

Weight:  Down 5 pounds, which is a little crazy because I have not changed my diet, at all - and I can count the number of times I worked out in the last 30 days on one finger.  Once.  I worked out once.  Now, I am someone whose weight has fluctuated a lot week over week, so I'm still not convinced that this is a sustained weight loss - but wouldn't it be great if it were?  I agree.

Candida Die Off Symptoms:  Okay people, listen to me when I say that Candida Die-Off symptoms are no joke.  I went through a pretty serious detox that lasted about 2 or 3 weeks.  It wasn't consistently bad, but it did get bad at times.  My symptoms all mirrored allergy symptoms - clogged sinuses, sinus pressure, headache, hives (this was the worst because I didn't realize what it was or what was causing it), etc.  I think I'm out of the woods now, but this is probably a good time to say that, should you decide to give Plexus a try, you should really commit to testing it out for two months because there's a 60 day money back guarantee and it would be easy to quit, if you don't set the right expectations for yourself.  There are some benefits you will see right away, but others that will take time.  And, given that there is a detox period (which will vary for each person), you need to get through that before you really start to see the benefits.

30 Day Conclusion:

Still happy I'm giving it a try.  Excited to see what the next 15-30 days have in store for me!


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