My Plexus Journey - 30 Day Review
30 Day Review
Work has been super crazy, so I haven't had a chance to update in a couple weeks. Here’s an update on the products I'm taking and how they are working:
Sleep: I'm sure most moms know what I mean when I say that I went more than 2 years without sleeping through the night. Waking in the night started when I was pregnant with my son and it never went away. I don't know if it was from anxiety or if it was from being a light sleeper as a mom - but something changed in my sleep patterns. I'm so very happy to say that the improvement in my sleep patterns was the biggest unexpected surprise since starting the products. I take PrioBio5 (a probiotic) 30 minutes before bed and apparently that has helped me sleep like a rock. I didn't realize that this would be a benefit of taking Plexus, but it is hugely welcome!
/ Energy: Highly improved. I'm no longer a daily coffee drinker and I'm getting through the day, swimmingly.
Weight: Down 5 pounds, which is a little crazy because I have not changed my diet, at all - and I can count the number of times I worked out in the last 30 days on one finger. Once. I worked out once. Now, I am someone whose weight has fluctuated a lot week over week, so I'm still not convinced that this is a sustained weight loss - but wouldn't it be great if it were? I agree.
Weight: Down 5 pounds, which is a little crazy because I have not changed my diet, at all - and I can count the number of times I worked out in the last 30 days on one finger. Once. I worked out once. Now, I am someone whose weight has fluctuated a lot week over week, so I'm still not convinced that this is a sustained weight loss - but wouldn't it be great if it were? I agree.
30 Day Conclusion:
Still happy I'm giving it a try. Excited to see what the next 15-30 days have in store for me!
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